Pajama Jam December 30!

What better way to ring in  the New Year than with your friends at The New Children’s Museum? Comfy and cozy is the theme for

Event, Play

Superheroes’ Night Out

WHOOSH! Another year has flown by and our annual Superheroes’ Night Out is back! What better way to recognize our favorite superheroes than an evening

Event, News, Play

Exploring the Innovators LAB

Have you been a part of our “makerspace” yet? In our unique collaborative makerspace, the Innovators LAB, we create design challenges to nurture creativity, problem solving,

News, Play, Studio

Introducing Sketch Aquarium

On March 26, The New Children’s Museum launched Sketch Aquarium, a new interactive digital installation that allows children to design sea creatures and watch them come

News, Play

Hours This Weekend

The New Children’s Museum will be open every day this weekend, including Monday, January 20! Visit us daily from 9am – 4pm for creative family fun.