meet our board of directors

The Board of Directors is a distinguished group of individuals who volunteer their time, professional expertise and monetary support to make The New Children’s Museum a viable and important San Diego institution.

By providing continuity for the organization, overseeing its governance, participating in its financial support and accounting for the organization and expenditures, the Board of Directors governs the overall institutional direction. The board’s work allows the Executive Director and staff to focus on the mission of arts-based learning and cultivating the creative potential of children. Through their service, the Museum serves the greater good of the San Diego community.


Board Chair: Rebecca Gennaro
Wells Fargo

Vice Board Chair: Greg Gossard
The Hampstead Companies

Claudia Amezcua

Lindsay Bartell
Senior Graphic Designer

Board Secretary: Brent M. Douglas 
Snell & Wilmer

Stephanie Epstein
Epstein Family Foundation

Lynda Forsha
Art Advisory Services

Wendi McKenna
Move Play Grow

Laurie Mitchell

Denise Montgomery

Trevor Moore
Cush Enterprises

Bill Payne
Second Chance

Maryanne Pfister
Retired Marketing Professional

Elizabeth Phelps

Marisol Rendón
Southwestern College

Tom Rosso

Lawrence Taylor
Brandes Investment Partners

Heat Advisory

Please note that there is a county-wide heat advisory in effect. As a result, we will have designated “cool zones” throughout the Museum and some spaces are subject to closure for the safety purposes.

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