Toddler Time at Home: Monster Blanket

Make a no-sew Monster Blanket to use at picnics and for much-needed moments of relaxation and rest with your toddler! In this Toddler Time at Home activity, we’ll be using adhesive felt and scissors to add shapes, facial features and tassels that’ll transform a regular blanket into a fun new friend!


Monster Blanket Tutorial

AGE: 2+ years (with adult support)

TIME FRAME: 30 min


  • Blanket (fleece, bedsheet, etc.)
  • Adhesive felt sheets (or fabric and felt scraps
    with fabric glue)
  • Scissors
  • Objects for tracing (e.g. cups + bowls)
  • Pencil or crayon for tracing

Download and print the Monster Blanket Lesson Plan PDF here.


1. Collect materials. Prep all your materials and your art-making space. Find a large blanket or bedsheet to use as your canvas to create a monster face. Then gather different colors of felt or fabric pieces to use for the monster features.

2. Cut out monster features. Help your toddler to free-hand cut different shapes for various monster features (eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, etc.). You can also use objects and a pencil or crayon to trace various shapes and sizes. Encourage your little one to engage in this process of tracing and learning about different shapes!

3. Arrange shapes on blanket. Explore with positioning and placement by having your child arrange the different monster features on the blanket canvas. Observe their creative process and ideas as they choose their monster layout.

4. Peel and stick. After the features are arranged, have your child peel off the adhesive from the felt shapes and stick them onto the blanket! Help them apply pressure by pressing and gently rubbing the shapes. If you are using fabric glue, allow time for drying!

5. Monster blanket fun! Take your child’s new Monster Blanket on a relaxing and fun adventure! Whether indoors or outdoors, this blanket can be a part of many fun times.


This collage technique of art making is a great way for toddlers to strengthen their fine-motor development and coordination skills. In addition to the art-making experience, little ones engage in math, shapes and counting.

Related Reading (Ages 2-5): 

  • Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley
  • Leonardo, The Terrible Monster by Mo Willems
  • Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak

Preschool Learning Foundations (Social Emotional Learning and Visual Arts)
48 months:

  • Enjoy learning and are confident in their abilities to make new discoveries although may not
    persist at solving difficult problems.
  • Begin to use paper and other materials to assemble simple collages.

60 months:

  • Take greater initiative in making new discoveries, identifying new solutions and persisting in
    trying to figure things out.
  • Use paper and other materials to make two- and three-dimensional assembled works.
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