
April 1 may have been April Fool’s Day, but it also marked the beginning of Earth Month, and that is no joke!

We believe it is our responsibility to keep our big beautiful planet healthy and thriving. Here are some helpful tips on how you can do your part to help the Earth:

1. Turn it off!

Make sure you turn off all the lights and electronics (like TVs and computers) when you’re not using them. Bonus tip for parents: Electronics that are turned off still consume energy if they’re plugged into an outlet – conserve even more energy by unplugging them when you don’t need them!

2. Take a Walk.

Help reduce pollution by walking to the closest restaurant or grocery store. You can even ride bikes or roller skates – going outside doesn’t have to mean using a car!

3. DIY Fertilizer

What do eggshells, coffee grounds and dryer lint have in common? They make a great natural fertilizer! Teach the family how to keep a compost pile and help the earth by creating an alternative to chemical fertilizers and reducing landfill waste!

4. Reuse and recycle.

You can do this many ways. For example, buy the whole family reusable water bottles or invest in canvas grocery bags. You’ll cut down your paper and plastic waste and have cool new accessories to call your own.

5. Collect the rain!

Here in California, rain is a rare treasure. Collect it! Put a pail or bucket outside before it rains and use it later to water your household plants or rinse your wetsuit and sandy feet!

We hope these tips get you and your family started on the green path to keeping our Earth alive and well! Join us all month long at the Museum for special programming, such as taking the Earth Pledge to protect and be kind to our planet and drawing on our huge chalk mural!

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Hours This Weekend

The New Children’s Museum will be open every day this weekend, including Monday, February 17! Visit us daily from 9am – 4pm for creative family fun.