do it yourself: mini pumpkin art

Transform a miniature pumpkin into a creepy crawler or silly creature to celebrate the Halloween season! Download the PDF version of this DIY tutorial here.

Guidelines + Materials

AGE: 3+ (with adult support due to small parts and choking hazard)

TIME FRAME: 1 hour


  • Mini Pumpkin
  • Googly Eyes
  • Black Construction Paper
  • Colored Pipe Cleaners
  • Glue Stick
  • Scissors
  • Black Paint


1. Clean your pumpkin to remove any dust or dirt.

2. Decide where your creepy crawler’s eyes will go. Peel backing off self-adhesive googly eyes. Attach googly eyes to make your creature come alive.

3. Decide what creature to make and attach paper and pipe cleaners to the pumpkin using your glue stick.



Cut paper into 1-inch strips and fold to create an accordion
texture for legs. Cut pipe cleaner into short pieces and poke into pumpkin as hair.


Cut out ears, whiskers and a nose. Add the pipe cleaner for a tail.


Cut out ears and wings. Cut small pieces of the pipe cleaners to add as hair.


Cut out a shape of a mask. Add pipe cleaner as a strap to keep the mask in place.

4. Display your pumpkin art where you can surprise people! Share photos of your creation and tag  #thenewchildrensmuseum on social media.

This activity is made possible by a partnership between One Paseo and The New Children’s Museum.

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Hours This Weekend

The New Children’s Museum will be open every day this weekend, including Monday, January 20! Visit us daily from 9am – 4pm for creative family fun.