Explore and play on a rainy day in The Rain House.
The Rain House has been a signature piece welcoming visitors since the Museum opened in 2008. The walls are covered in Silva’s paintings and text that emphasize the freedom of birds to travel across cultural and national boundaries, while the roof is rained upon by real water.
The current Rain House is the second incarnation of this piece. The first was built for the Children’s Museum of San Diego/Museo de los Niños in 1993 entitled Cora’s Rain House/Casa de Lluvia de Cora, dedicated to Ernest’s first wife who passed away. The original installation was designed for the binational art exhibition inSITE94, and arose out of Silva’s desire to create a space for children where contemplation and creativity could flourish. A second house structure was created in Tijuana at the Casa de la Cultura.
All About Art: The Rain House
Go on a virtual art experience of The Rain House with the family and learn more about this installation with mascots Art and Play!
I think his ability was to see the different ways in which he could evoke his feelings as a visual metaphor. The house is like a walk-in metaphor...
— Robert Pincus
Who Made This?

San Diego-based artist Ernest Silva worked in a variety of media including painting, sculpture, drawing and installation. His work relies on familiar or iconic imagery to create what he calls “visual storytelling.” He often worked with images from nature and likes to create artwork with multiple interpretations.
Originally from Rhode Island, Silva was inspired by his boyhood memories of quiet play on rainy days and wished to share this nostalgic sensory experience with San Diego’s children.