march member spotlight: Shauna Malone

Meet this month’s Member Spotlight! Shauna and her family have been loyal members at the Museum for two years! The family includes her husband, Sean and their son, Kai, who is 2 years old. This active family of three loves going to the beach, travelling, making music and visiting the Museum!

Tell us about you and your family!

Shauna: We are a family of three! I’m Shauna, and I’ve been teaching elementary school in our county for 15 years and yoga on the side. My husband, Sean, is in sales and loves to surf. Our son is 2 years old and his name is Kai, which means “ocean” in Hawaiian. We are a very fun active family that loves the beach, art, music and travel!

What brought you to the Museum?

S: We love that the Museum is a fun activity for our whole family. It encourages exploration and creativity, and we love that it promotes an eco-friendly environment!

What’s been your favorite experience at the Museum so far?

S: We love going to the Lower Level with Kai, where he can play with Desert Derby! We also love Sketch Aquarium and enjoy designing our own special sea turtle or shark. Kai loves touching the magic pots and fish!

Any fun facts about you?

S: We are very passionate about helping out ocean waters and promoting environmental education! We also love to promote the fine arts and encourage Kai to be as creative as possible!


Interested in being featured in our Member Spotlight next month? Please fill out our member spotlight questionnaire! Don’t have a membership? Learn more about our membership levels and perks here.

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