It is so easy to become a child once again when you are at the Museum!

August Member Spotlight: Deborah Salazar Shapiro

This month our Member Spotlight features Deborah Salazar Shapiro, mother of two and author of The Magical Mindful Day (on sale in the Museum Pop Up Shop). We caught up with Deborah and asked her a few questions:

Tell us about your wonderful family! 
San Diego has been our home for the last four years. I live with my husband, Larry, and daughters Sofia, 17, who will start college this August in the Bay Area, and Arianna, 3. Arianna and our cat, Thay, are my mindfulness meditation partners. We enjoy outdoor activities, art, music, reading, traveling, and, perhaps not surprisingly, visiting museums.

How long have you been a member?
We have been supporting the Museum for more than three years.
What do you remember about your first visit to the Museum?
I remember being in awe of all the incredible and artsy installations, how environmentally friendly the Museum was, and how much fun Arianna was going to have playing, exploring, and learning new things.
What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do at the Museum?
It is so easy to become a child once again when you are at the Museum! Every time I visit, I have to play with the “handkerchief air machine” at The Community Gallery; and my super favorite thing to do is to attend the Pajama Jam every December. Arianna loves playing at the outdoor Paint Studio, The Rain House, and The Wonder Sound.

What is the best/funniest memory you have at the Museum?
The best memory I have at the Museum is celebrating Arianna’s first birthday with our friends and family, I loved seeing all the children having fun together.
Favorite spot for lunch in San Diego?
Cafe Gratitude in Little Italy, for its yummy organic plant-based food.
What is the craziest or the coolest thing you’ve created with us?
The coolest thing was creating balloon animals this year at the workshop with artist Jason Hackenwerth.
Quick! What is the first word you think of when you hear The New Children’s Museum?

Favorite weekend activity (besides visiting us, of course).
Our favorite weekend activity is going to see the sunset at the beach.
Tell us what inspired you to write this book?
The Magical Mindful Day was inspired by my feelings of love, appreciation, and hope for a more compassionate and kinder future for all living beings. My aspiration is to raise awareness about caring for the earth, its animals, and of practices such as mindfulness and heart-based practices (e.g., loving-kindness, self-compassion, and compassion), which can contribute to the benefit of all living beings.

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Heat Advisory

Please note that there is a county-wide heat advisory in effect. As a result, we will have designated “cool zones” throughout the Museum and some spaces are subject to closure for the safety purposes.

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