do it yourself: Leporello Book

 A Leporello is made up of printed material folded into an accordion style. Make your own Leporello book and tell your story! This DIY project is inspired by our 2022 Mass Creativity workshop series. 

Download the Leporello Book PDF Lesson Plan 

guidelines + materials

AGE: 6+ (with adult support)

TIME FRAME:  60 minutes

  • 2 Cardboard pieces
  • 2 Half sheets of newsprint
  • 3 Sheets of multimedia paper (cut to size)
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Markers


 1. Create Your Covers Part 1: Take a piece of cardboard and cover one side with glue. Then place the cardboard (glue side down) onto the middle of a half sheet of newsprint. Repeat this for the second piece of cardboard and half sheet of newsprint.

 2. Create Your Covers Part 2: Cover the remaining areas of newsprint with glue. Then fold down all sides onto the cardboard. Do this for both pieces.

3. Make an Accordion Fold: Next, use the 3 sheets of multimedia paper to create an accordion fold. Fold each sheet in half then glue the inside half to another sheet until you create an M or W shape. The folded corner of one sheet should be touching the edge of the next sheet.

4. Attach Your Covers: After you’ve created an accordion fold, glue the two covers onto the ends of the accordion. Make sure to glue the sides with the folded corners facing down.

5. Design Your Story: Get creative and draw or write your story on the Leporello pages! Then share your story with others. 

This DIY project is supported by our 2022 Mass Creativity Sponsors

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Hours This Weekend

The New Children’s Museum will be open every day this weekend, including Monday, February 17! Visit us daily from 9am – 4pm for creative family fun.