Happy November! The leaves are falling and it’s finally time to start pulling out those sweaters and scarves. During this month of thanks, the Museum wants to express how grateful we are to all our members, visitors and supporters for helping make the Museum what it is today. Without you, none of what we do would be possible.

Let’s kick off the month with some member appreciation! This month we highlight the Matoba-Smith family. 

Tell us a little about your wonderful family!

My member name is Kristin but the kids call me Kiki.  I am a single mother who loves to observe the beauty of my surroundings and believes it is important to enjoy life and have fun with it.

That is what I am trying to teach my four year old daughter, Alita, and The New Children’s Museum is a great example of these teachings.

Do you remember your first time visiting the Museum?

The first time we came to the Museum was when Alita was two.  After experiencing the colorful and creative installations and finding that my child could safely play within a sheltered space, we left with a membership.

What is your favorite thing to do at the Museum?

With a membership we average a visit once a week, sometimes just for an hour. Alita’s favorite thing to do at the Museum seems to change every visit.

What’s the best memory you have had at the Museum?

The best memory was when we brought Alita’s five cousins to the museum on a free-for-military-families day.  It was cute to watch Alita be a tour guide and share all the treasures of the museum.

Favorite spot for lunch in San Diego?

Alita’s favorite lunch spots are the Spaghetti Factory or Chuck E Cheese. Mine are Kindred or Loving Hut.

Who would win in a Car-a-oke contest?

Alita likes to win at everything so she would claim to be the Car-a-oke winner.

Quick! What is the first word you think of when you hear New Children’s Museum?


Favorite weekend activity (besides visiting us, of course.)

Our favorite activity on the weekends are play dates with friends  🙂

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