Happy June, everybody! Summer is here and that means NEW hours for the Museum! We are now open 7 days a week, so you can come think, play and create with us whenever you want.

A new month also means a new Member Spotlight and this month, we want to highlight the Findeisen’s, who have been part of our Membership family for years and we want to show them off!


1. Tell us a little about your family!

Mom and Dad have lived downtown since 2000 (before the Ballpark was built).  Timothy is six, finishing kindergarten and Zoey is five finishing pre-K.  We love living downtown eight blocks from the Museum.

2. Do you remember your first visit to the Museum?

Living downtown we watched The New Children’s Museum as it was rebuilt and looked forward to having kids and bringing them to the Museum.  We started our membership when Timothy was almost two.  His favorite first exhibit was the Trash exhibit.  He would spend hours hauling the “trash bags” in and out of the container, climbing the tires to the top of the container and riding the slide down.

3. What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do at the Museum?

Timothy could spend hours in the Sandbox Gallery.  Zoey enjoys dressing up in the California Dream State exhibit. They both love spending time in Reconnecting to Home which seems to change slightly each time we visit.  It’s fun to watch them play creatively with new friends they meet in the [Reconnecting to] Home exhibit.
4. What’s the best memory you have at the Museum?

We absolutely love the Museum’s Family Night Out events and have gone to all that we were healthy enough to attend.  Our favorite was the Mess Fest.  We still remember the sheer joy on our kids’ faces as they squirted paint on the tractor.  The kids had an absolute blast!
5. Who would win a Car-a-oke contest?
Zoey, not so much for accuracy, but for performance and attitude.


6. What’s the first word you think of when I say New Children’s Museum?

Sunday mornings!  Ok that’s two words, but we love taking advantage of Members Only time.

7. Favorite weekend activity? (besides visiting us, of course 😉 )

We always find fun activities at the Denny Sanford Children’s Library within the San Diego Central Library and enjoy visiting Ms. Frizzle at The San Diego Natural History Museum in Balboa Park.

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