A sensory friendly experience at the Museum

Sensory Friendly Mornings is a program held quarterly on select Saturdays from 9am-11am. This program is intended for families who would enjoy and appreciate a quieter Museum experience with fewer guests and less stimulation than our general museum hours offer.

Upcoming dates: 

  • November 9, 9am-11am

The Museum’s interactive art installations vary from high-sensory activities to designated sensory-break zones that provide a range of experiences for families to enjoy with comfort and safety.

Please note: Due to limited capacity for this program, registration is highly encouraged! Registration for the November 9 Sensory Friendly Morning will open in October.

Once open, the form will require a $1 non-refundable deposit (per ticket) that will be applied to your standard admission ticket on the day of your visit for this program. Normal museum admission and parking rates apply. All our admission access programs, for example Museums for All, are still available. 

The Museum strives to be an inclusive and accessible space that celebrates neurodiversity and welcomes people of all needs and abilities. Learn more about our accessibility services at the Museum here.

Virtual Sensory Friendly Mornings Resources

Check out our online art resources and virtual arts programming from partner organizations for our Accessibility Mornings families!

Masks, Face Shields and Gloves, Oh My!

A story about how kids might see different people wearing masks, face shields and gloves by the Autism Little Learners blog.
Read the story here.

Read Along with Words Alive

Amanda Bonds from Words Alive reads “Five Green and Speckled Frogs” by Priscilla Buris. Read along and learn how to count! Watch video here.

Painting Self-Portraits
with Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson is an artist, speaker and author who has autism. Watch his tutorial on how to draw and paint a self-portrait! Watch video here.

Sensory Friendly Mornings is made possible by

Heat Advisory

Please note that there is a county-wide heat advisory in effect. As a result, we will have designated “cool zones” throughout the Museum and some spaces are subject to closure for the safety purposes.

Plan Your Visit