We are thrilled to be supported for such a large number of San Diego companies and individuals.  This event would not happen without such generous support.

learn more about our sponsors

Event Sponsors

Xanadu Roller Rink Sponsor

Event Underwriters

Lynn Gorguze and the Hon. Scott Peters

Tom and Cami Rosso

Tiffany Archer and Gary Koerper

Jennifer and Kurt Eve

Dr. Laurie Mitchell and Brent Woods

Charlie and Pamela Pendrell

Monique Rodriguez and Greg Richardson

Sheryl and Harvey White

Event Partners

Media Sponsors

Construction Notice

Starting Tuesday, March 18, we’ll be refreshing the sidewalk pavers and tree grates along Island Ave & Union St. during the hours of 7am-3pm.

You’ll see signs and barriers to help guide you safely to our entrance. Thank you for your patience as we improve our entryway!

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