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Join us for Educator Evenings, a FREE two-hour professional development workshop designed for educators wishing to add new skills to their creative toolkit and take back to the classroom! Projects are inspired by lessons from the Museum’s School Visit program and adapted for adults.

In this workshop, learn sewing and weaving techniques and make your very own Pocket!, a small hand-sewn wallet inspired by our installation Whammock!, and get a lesson plan for elementary students as well as tips for teaching this project to your students. Light snacks will be provided. Limit of 15 participants.

Educator Evenings is a pilot program and free for participants. In exchange, we ask that participants complete an end-of-class survey. Your feedback will support in designing future professional development offerings for educators at the Musem. Thank you!

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Educator Evenings

Dec 3, 2019 4:30pm-6:30pm

