True Tuesdays: Topics for Caregivers

During the Museum’s temporary closure, we hosted live talks (via Zoom) on topics relevant to caregivers on select Tuesdays. Each started with a short talk from a Museum staff member or expert on how you can continue to instill creativity and play at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was followed by a group discussion for caregivers to connect and share ideas with one another and our staff.

past true tuesdays

Easing Transitions: Mindfulness for Uncertain Times
August 11, 2020

Guest speakers, Corie Wightlin, M.Ed. and Debbie Zeichner, LCSW of Mindfully Empowered, provided a variety of mindfulness tools and practices to help incorporate a daily routine of calming anxiety and building healthy coping skills during this time of uncertainty. Watch a recording of the session here.

Reading to Succeed: Early Literacy Strategies
July 28, 2020

Guest speakers Kelly Verheyden and Emily Derry, Youth Services Librarians from the San Diego Public Library, explored early literacy topics and strategies to support parents and caregivers in their critical role as their child’s first teacher. Watch a recording of the session here.

Myths of Postpartum Life
June 30, 2020

Four postpartum experts, Amanda Freeman, Amy Lajiness, April Douglas and Colleen Flaherty, with different professional backgrounds in psychology, psychotherapy, physical therapy and movement therapy, discussed and dispelled common myths of postpartum life for mothers.  Watch a recording of the session here.

Music Magic: Supporting Toddlers Thru Song
May 26, 2020

Education Manager, Amy Gray, and special guest Diana Davidson, owner and director of Songbirds Music, shared ways that music can support toddlers and their caregivers during these trying times and provided concrete ideas for easy-to-implement music engagement at home. Watch a recording of the session here.

Screen Time Can Be Playtime
May 19, 2020

How much screen time is too much screen time? In this True Tuesday talk, UK researcher and playworker Chris Martin joined Director of Exhibitions Megan Dickerson to discuss how children interact with screens and attempt to separate fact from fiction, followed by a group discussion for caregivers. Watch a recording of the session here.

From A to Zoom Part 2: Juggling Work + Toddlers
May 12, 2020

Part 2 of a talk dedicated to (working) caregivers with children under 5 years old. Amy Gray and Lani Bautista Cabanilla, revealed their personal challenges as working professionals and mothers, offered creative strategies to cope and invited participants to share their own experiences. Watch a recording of the session here.

Do You See What I See? Part 2
May 5, 2020

Part 2 of Deputy Museum Director Tomoko Kuta’s talk on Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS). Participants learned how to use VTS while viewing beautiful artwork and gained a fresh perspective of the arts, followed by a group discussion. Watch a recording of the session here.

“NO, I won’t!” Toddler Defiance + Positive Discipline
April 28, 2020

Education Manager, Amy Gray, and special guest Debbie Zeichner, a licensed social worker and certified parent coach, discussed supporting the emotional needs of early learners and ways of responding positively to challenging behaviors during this time, followed by a group discussion. Watch a recording of the session here. 

PLay During Covid-19 Part 2
April 21, 2020

Part 2 of Director of Exhibitions Megan Dickerson’s talk on how play can help us stay sane with kids during the current crisis. Megan shared what caregivers can learn from the practice of playwork as they engage with kids at home, followed by a group discussion. Watch a recording of the session here.

JUggling Work + Toddlers
April 14, 2020

Education Manager, Amy Gray, and Senior Manager of Programs, Lani Bautista Cabanilla, shared creative strategies on how to cope with working from home and taking care of toddlers, followed by a group discussion. Watch a recording of the session here.

Do you see what i see?
April 7, 2020

Deputy Museum Director Tomoko Kuta covered how the arts can give you fresh vision and inspiration, followed by a group discussion that uses Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) while viewing beautiful artwork. Watch a recording of the session here.

PLay During Covid-19
March 31, 2020

Museum Director of Exhibitions and play expert, Megan Dickerson, provided inspiration and tips on how play can help caregivers stay sane with kids at home through the current crisis, folllowed by a group discussion. Watch a recording of the session here.

Art Workshops for ages 4-13

Our newly expanded Art Studio is now offering workshops for toddlers, kids, and teens! From printmaking to building dynamic automata’s, there’s something creative for everyone.  Sign up today!

Find a Workshop!

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