Member Spotlight – October

October 3, 2018

This month we're featuring Jon Finkle and his family. Jon and his wife, Pamela, enjoy bringing their 1-year-old son, Knox.

5 Ways to Give Back to the Museum

November 30, 2018

This holiday season get in the spirit of giving at The New Children's Museum by finding a gift for loved ones that'll also support the Museum!

Member Spotlight – December

December 4, 2018

Meet new Museum members Naouel Jabri Abbadi and her daughter, Ena, who love speaking French and going to Toddler Time at the Museum!

Mass Creativity 2022

The 10th annual Mass Creativity program featured Imaginative Storytelling workshops throughout San Diego and a celebration at the Museum.

Crystal Cortex

Crystal Cortex is a whimsical inflatable larger-than-life sculpture created by artist Jason Hackenwerth.


An interactive, three-dimensional textile environment made of hand-dyed, hand-braided nylon resembling a giant crocheted hammock.

Comic Con

Located across from the San Diego Convention Center, the Museum offers convenient, versatile and creative spaces for Comic Con events, activations and parties!


A vibrant 28' by 13' mural on the windows of the Innovators LAB that explores color, light and visual communication.

Breathing Room

A sensory-friendly and inviting space where one can take a minute, lie down, look up and breathe.

Los Trompos

Six colorfully woven, life-size spinning tops in the Museum Park.